I am personal injury attorney Loyd Bourgeois and I want to talk today about a question we are often asked and that is “What is my case worth?”
We get asked this question all the time. I can go look on the Internet about case values, and I see people all over looking for information about “what is my case worth?” on google. It is one of the big questions everybody's concerned about and wants to know – “what can I get?”
In our opinion - the legal system is not a lottery! You are probably not going to walk away with a sum of money that will allow you to retire. And, if you do walk away with the sum of money which allows you to retire, you are likely going to have very significant injuries and your damages will be lifelong. This is truly not what you want out of life.
For most cases, the case worth is very hard to define. A lot of factors go into determining what any case is worth. Some concerns are: where are you; did you go to the doctor; how long did you go to the doctor; what body part is hurt; what kind of treatment did your doctor recommend; who is your doctor; where did the accident take place; what kind of insurance or what assets does the other party have?
We know that these factors and many more are going to determine ultimately what your case is worth. We can't really tell you from the beginning how much money you may be able to get. Each case is different. Each injury is different. And, even people with the same injuries may get different recoveries depending on the circumstances of their cases.
If you have been injured due to the fault of someone else, we encourage you to speak to an injury attorney so you can start talking about those factors that will ultimately play into whether or not you will get a recovery and how much that recovery will be.
I am St. Charles Parish injury attorney Loyd Bourgeois. Give us a call at 985-240-9773 or use our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you.