All of the members of our team are safe.
Unfortunately, the Luling office suffered extensive damage from Hurricane Ida.
One of the benefits of working with a small firm like ours is that we can adapt and pivot quickly.
We work off of a "cloud" based, paper-"less" system and have access to your case files from anywhere with a wifi connection.
The paper files that we do keep were secured before we evacuated and are safe.
While most of our team did suffer damage to our homes, rest assured that we will be up and running soon from remote locations.
The best way to currently contact us is through email at [email protected]
5 Hurricane Claim Tips
While hope that you do not have any damage to your home, the reality is that most local homes have sustained damage.
Please know that we have extensive insurance claim damage experience.
We have worked on countless damage claims from hurricanes Katrina, Isaac, Laura, and Delta.
You may not need a Louisiana hurricane insurance claim lawyer, but you do need to know your rights and the right way to handle your claim to ensure you receive full compensation.
1) Make an Insurance Claim ASAP
Call your insurance company and make a claim as soon as possible. You do not have to wait until you get home. The insurance company has 30 days after you call to inspect your home, and many insurance companies will approve an immediate smaller initial payment to help cover your expenses if you have significant damage. So call now to get the ball rolling. If you do not have homeowners or renters insurance, make a claim with FEMA. Keep in mind that, unlike insurance, FEMA assistance is not designed to make you whole again.
2) Document Everything
Take pictures of all damage and do not throw anything away until the insurance adjuster has come to inspect your property. Take pictures of your roof, inside your attic, outside structures, and any and all interior damage. Take pictures before making any temporary fixes. Do not make any permanent repairs until the insurance adjuster has come and gives you permission to do so. Make a detailed content list of all of the damaged items in your home. (Give us a call if you need help with how to create this list.)
3) Save your Receipts
Save all receipts including hotels, food, fuel, supplies, and all other expenses you incur while away from your home and for clean-up and repairs.
4) Use the Available Technology
If your insurance company has a website or app where you can upload pictures, receipts, and invoices to your claim, do so. This can help speed things along.
5) If You Have Any Trouble, Give Us a Call
If you have any trouble dealing with your insurance adjuster or feel that your claim is not being handled fairly, please give us a call at 985-240-9773
We understand what you're going through because we're going through it too. We all have to take this one day at a time, but we're in this together.