One of the biggest mistakes in many disability claims can happen before the application has even been filed and continue through the entire application and appeal process.

Look, it's no secret. Social Security denials of disability claims are up. In fact, Social Security's own statistics show us that between 2010 and 2015, denials increased by approximately 25 to 30% at the administrative law judge hearing level alone. That's a big drop-off.

It means that you must do everything you can to give yourself the best chance of winning in this political climate when you are truly disabled. This mistake that I see over and over again can happen without your knowledge, without your consent, and before you even file your claim. That mistake is setting up an unhelpful medical record. Some of it's beyond your control. Because you know about it now, you can work with your doctors to make sure your medical records are set up correctly.

What do I mean by setting up an unhelpful medical record?

You don't tell your doctor all of your symptoms. You don't tell all of your doctors, all of your symptoms. You go to a doctor and you tell them, "I'm doing fine."

Look, the fact of the matter is, if you're going to the doctor, chances are you are not fine. You may be feeling better today than you were yesterday. You may be feeling a little bit the same as you did the last time you went, but you're not fine.

You are going to the doctor for a reason. Never, ever tell the doctor you're doing fine because it will surely find its way into your medical records and be used against you by the Social Security Administration.

It's also important that you tell each and every one of your doctors all of your symptoms.

If you're going to a psychiatrist, I know it's human nature to perhaps not discuss your physical impairments like your back pain. But you need to make sure you let them know and you need to ask them to see the records that way in case they say "complained of no back pain," you can get it corrected before your records are submitted to Social Security.

If you have inconsistencies in your medical records, Social Security will be sure to point them out and use it as a basis for denying your claim.

Now, look, eliminating this one mistake will be difficult, and it does not guarantee that you'll win, but in this political climate of increasing denials at Social Security, you have to do everything you can to give yourself the best chance of success with your disability claim. It's the only way that you can get the money out that you put into the disability system.

If you have questions, or need a free consultation for us to discuss your disability claim, give us a call at 985-240-9773. I look forward to speaking to you soon.