As a Louisiana Social Security disability lawyer, I know the disability claim application and appeal process is notoriously long and slow.

Can A Disability Lawyer Move My Claim to the Front of the Line?

On face value, no. Many people are under the false assumption or hope that we have a fast pass or lightning lane to the front of the line for having their application processed. Or that by hiring us, they can skip steps in the Sequential Evaluation process.

That part is not true. Unfortunately, we are subject to the same Social Security process as everyone else who applies for Social Security. However, that doesn't mean that your chances of getting benefits sooner don't increase with a representative.

Can A Social Security Disability Attorney Speed Up A Case?

Yes. We don't want to set up false hope. The process will still be long, but there are things we can do to help speed up a case.

  • Get information ahead of time.

    We know the information the Social Security Administration (SSA) is going to request, and we will obtain it from you before Social Security requests it. That way, we can send it in immediately once SSA asks for it or sometimes even before. Not only does this help get things moving faster, but gathering the information ahead of time also gives us time to review your answers, ask for clarification, and make sure that your case is set up with the best chance of success.
  • Follow up with Social Security

    We are professional naggers. At every step of the claim, we will consistently follow up with Social Security for status updates. Did they receive forms? Are the forms appropriately uploaded to your file? Was your case assigned to a DDS case worker? Has a hearing been scheduled? After the hearing, has a decision been written? We're on them every step of the way. We know how long each stage should take and where to look for hang-ups.
  • Obtain medical records

    Providing the Social Security Administration with timely, accurate, and adequate medical evidence will not only increase your chances for approval but also reduce or potentially eliminate the need for the SSA to gather additional medical documentation from your doctors and therefore can speed up the process. We have a proven process and dedicated medical records retrieval specialist to obtain all of your relevant and up-to-date records. Sometimes, obtaining records from medical facilities can be as frustrating as dealing with SSA itself, but we're relentless.
  • Request an "On The Record" decision

    A Social Security representative can request an On the Record (OTR) decision when they believe the existing medical evidence and documentation sufficiently demonstrate that the claimant meets the Social Security Administration's disability criteria, making a formal hearing unnecessary. This request is typically made to expedite the decision-making process, potentially allowing the claimant to receive benefits more quickly if the disability case is clear-cut and strongly supports a finding of disability.
  • Requesting an expedited hearing based on dire need

    If a claimant is in danger of losing their residence (their rented residence due to eviction or their mortgaged home due to foreclosure) or losing their access to needed medical treatment or prescribed medications, they may be able to request that the hearing office speed up or expedite the scheduling of their disability hearing based on this. If a dire need situation exists, a claimant's disability attorney can formally submit the dire need request.
  • Compassionate Allowances

    Social Security Disability Compassionate Allowances are designed to expedite the application process for claimants suffering from certain severe medical conditions that inherently meet Social Security's standards for disability benefits. This program allows individuals with specific serious illnesses—including certain cancers and adult brain disorders — to receive their disability benefits more quickly. Social Security is supposed to flag these applications automatically, but this often is not the case in reality. A representative who knows which conditions qualify can ensure that this happens.

Will I Get My SSDI Approval Faster if I Have a Lawyer?

One sure way to get your benefits faster is to get approved at an earlier stage in the process.

If you're approved at the initial application or reconsideration stage, you will get your benefits much sooner than if you have to wait for a hearing date. We cannot guarantee results for anyone at any stage, but at every stage, you improve your chances of approval with a disability representative.

Ready to navigate the complex path to your Social Security Disability benefits with confidence and guidance?

Don't let the long, daunting process deter you from seeking the support you deserve.

Our dedicated team is ready to work tirelessly on your behalf, leveraging our expertise to streamline your application, chase down critical documentation, and if necessary, fight for your case in a hearing. Don't go it alone.

Contact us today at 985-240-9773 to see how we can help turn the tide in your favor and bring you closer to the benefits you need. Let's get started on securing your future together.

Loyd J. Bourgeois
Connect with me
Accident, injury, and disability lawyer serving Luling, Metairie, New Orleans, and South Louisiana