When you are injured in an automobile crash or car accident, sometimes the insurance company will make you an offer to settle your claim. You wonder – is the offer fair?
The simple truth is – there is no way to answer this without knowing much more about your case.
Some things that you need to consider before YOU DECIDE if the offer is fair include the following:
- Your financial loss.
- How much are your medical bills? What about in the future?
- How much will you have to pay to repair your car?
- Did you suffer other property damage?
- How much have you lost in income or potential income because of your injuries?
- What about other financial losses – like fringe benefits?
- The extent of the injury.
- Will you get better? Is that certain?
- What long-term medical treatment and therapy is needed?
- Do you have to purchase medical supplies, such as a walker or a wheelchair?
- How has your life been impacted – housework, hobbies, events?
- The emotional impact.
- Did you suffer any emotional impacts – anxiety, depression, PTSD?
- Have you had to seek counseling?
- How have your relationships been impacted?
These are just a few areas that You need to explore before you decide if your offer is fair. There are others.
If you need help evaluating whether you were offered a fair settlement from an attorney, Louisiana personal injury attorney Loyd Bourgeois can look at the specifics of your case to help you decide what is fair in your Louisiana personal injury lawsuit. Contact us for a FREE NO OBLIGATION conversation about your insurance offer – (985) 240-9773.