The Social Security Adult Function Report (Form SSA-3373) asks for details about your daily activities and limitations to determine if you can sustain work. As a Social Security Disability lawyer, I can tell you that how you fill out this form can significantly impact the outcome of your claim. 

Complete the Function Report questionnaire right away and provide truthful and specific answers!

You only have a limited time to comply (10 days from the date of the letter) with Social Security’s request so don’t delay. But, don’t rush through your answers either.

Your Adult Function Report, also known as Activities of Daily Living, stays on the record through your entire case and cannot be modified.

The Adult Function Report is often used by Social Security to discredit your claim.

The ten-page form asks about your daily activities, personal care, meal prep, household and yard work, hobbies, and social activities.

If you answer any of the questions incorrectly, incompletely, or inconsistently, we can never update your answer.

What Is a Disability Function Report?

If you are filling out an Adult Function Report, Social Security is trying to get an understanding of the activities that you are still able to do (your Residual Functional Capacity).

When you are filling out your Adult Function Report, we recommend you watch our video about Residual Functionality first. In 5 short minutes, Loyd explains the purpose and importance of Residual Functional Capacity.

When filling out forms, always keep your Residual Functional Capacity in mind.

What Do I Say on a Disability Form (SSA-3373-BK)?

Be honest but don’t exaggerate. Be specific about your limitations.

If you do not clearly describe your limitations or give vague answers on your Adult Function Report, Social Security will take that to mean your disability really isn’t that bad and you should have no problem returning to work.

Your Social Security Disability claim will likely be denied.

It's a good idea to read these tips before you complete the form.

5 Biggest Mistakes on Adult Function Reports

1. Not reading the entire question.

Take your time when filling out your Adult Function Report and make sure your answers match up to the question being asked.

One recommendation our firm makes to clients is to answer the questions separately on another piece of paper first before transferring your response to the form.

This will allow you to work on your answers without messing up the form.

2. Not being clear about how long it takes you to do things.

If you tell Social Security that household chores -- like doing dishes for example -- take you an hour, then Social Security is going to think that you can get things done with no problem.

Be clear when answering questions like this.

Do you have to sit down when you do the dishes? Do you have to take breaks or lie down? Is that hour broken up into several days because you are unable to do them all at once?

3. Not being clear about what you do all day.

When telling Social Security about your daily activities, avoid general statements like "I get up, shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, go outside to read, eat lunch, etc." These can give the impression that your days are typical and without difficulty.

Instead, be specific about your daily routine:

  • Did it take you a long time to get out of bed because your back hurt so much?
  • Did you shower, but only have the energy to do so every two weeks?
  • Did you need help putting on your shoes?
  • How long did it take to make breakfast, or did you have assistance?
  • Were you so exhausted after making breakfast that you needed a nap? Is that why you had to sit down and read?

Providing detailed descriptions helps convey the challenges you face each day.

4. Not listing the side effects of your medications.

Side effects of medications can cause unexpected limitations. If you tell Social Security you are able to sit for an hour or so, they may think you can perform office work.

You need to speak up about the side effects of your medications and how they affect your ability.

Does your medication make you feel drowsy? Do you need to take naps during the day?

Does your medication have you going to the bathroom more often than normal (frequent urination or diarrhea)? If so, you won’t be getting much work done in an office.

5. Not answering questions consistently.

Consistency is key. It is so important that you answer questions consistently throughout the form.

Being consistent with your answers will help prove your credibility.

Do not answer some questions as if it's a "good day," and some as if it is a "bad day."

If your answers do not match what you have told your doctors or Social Security representatives, it will harm your credibility.

Providing answers like “I sit outside for 3 hours a day” and then saying, “I can’t sit down for long periods of time” doesn't give Social Security a clear understanding of your disability and limitations.

Do not copy SSA-3373-bk sample answers that you find on the internet. Make sure that all answers properly describe you and your limitations.

Key Takeaways for Filling out the Adult Function Report

  • Be honest: Answer every question honestly and provide as much detail as possible.
  • Be specific: Describe specific examples of how your disability limits you, both physically and mentally.
  • Be consistent: Don't contradict other answers you've given on the form or in your application.
  • Consider your worst days: Describe your abilities on your worst or average days.
  • Explain modifications: If you've changed activities to make them easier, explain how.
  • Include side effects: Consider the side effects of any medications you take, as they can cause unexpected limitations.

And remember, everything you say on your Adult Function Report is final.

Once your report is submitted to Social Security, no changes can be made.